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There are all different types of massage out there. How do you know which one is which, or what they’re used for? How do you know which one will best meet your specific needs? Let’s take a look at two of the most common types: Swedish massage, and deep tissue massage. On the surface, they may look similar, and can have similar benefits as well. But there are significant differences, making them useful for very different purposes.
The most common type of massage therapy, Swedish massage uses long strokes and rhythmic tapping with the fingers and palms, to work the top layer of skin and muscles. It helps blood circulation and stimulates the nerves. The pressure level can vary, depending on your personal preference, but it’s still fairly gentle when compared with other types of massage.
Swedish massage covers the entire body, and is most commonly used to relax and relieve tension. However, it can also be used to treat pain and injury, to some degree. If there’s one particular area that’s giving you trouble, you can ask your massage therapist to focus more on that particular area.
While Swedish massage encompasses the entire body, deep tissue massage is designed to focus on specific areas that are causing problems. It can be used as a full body, relaxation massage, like Swedish, but more often it’s used to treat a particular injury or ailment.
Deep tissue massage a less rhythmic, more vigorous massage, which puts pressure on your muscles and tissues that run deeper than the top, surface layer. In addition to fingers and palms, your massage therapist may also use their forearms and elbows, to apply greater pressure than a traditional Swedish massage.
According to Sports Medicine Services deep tissue massage is great for treating sports injuries, which makes it particularly popular with athletes, this along with Sports Medicine Injury Therapy will help anyone with severe injuries.
Because of the wide range of uses for deep tissue massage, and its targeted nature, you should talk to your massage therapist beforehand about what, exactly, you expect to get out of the process. Do you have a particular injury? What type of pain are you experiencing, and where?
You should also communicate with your therapist during the massage, to let them know if they’re using too much pressure or causing you discomfort. The more open you are with them, the better they’ll be able to give you what you need and avoid any problems.
When it comes to massage, communication is important no matter what. Let your massage therapist know what benefits you’re looking to glean from your experience, and they can help you determine which type of massage is right for you and how best to administer it. Whether it’s a nice, relaxing, Swedish massage, a vigorous deep tissue massage to treat an injury, or a combination of both, a good massage therapist will work with you to help you get the best possible experience.
Congratulations! You’ve just had a beautiful new bundle of joy! Prepare for the happiest time in your life – and the most exhausting. There may be days when your baby cries all through the night. You’ve fed them, changed them, and done everything else you can think of, but no matter what, they just can’t seem to get to sleep. As exhausted as you are, it’s hard not to have sympathy for a crying baby. Isn’t there anything you can do to help them get to sleep, safely and naturally? You might try infant massage.
If you’re not familiar with infant massage, it’s exactly what it sounds like: gently massaging the baby’s limbs, muscles and joints to relieve tension. Most babies can be massaged as soon as they are born, and the practice offers a variety of benefits. For instance, that period of gentle contact is a great way to help you bond with your baby more effectively. Your partner can join in the process as well!
Even aside from forging a bond with your child, though, there are plenty of other benefits – both physical and mental. Not the least of those benefits is helping your baby to sleep.
A massage will help your newborn relax their muscles, as well as their mind. This alone is a great first step towards helping them to sleep. But in addition, massage can also help alleviate a lot of the other ailments that might be disturbing their sleep cycle.
It helps stimulate the digestive system, which can relieve things like gas and constipation. It also stimulates the circulatory system, which can help alleviate pain and cramps. And if your baby suffers from colic – i.e. crying frequently, or for an extended period of time (more than three hours a day), infant massage can be a great way to help calm them down so they can get a good night’s rest.
It probably goes without saying, but a massage for your infant isn’t the same as what you would get on a spa day, or what your partner does when you get those knots in your shoulders. It must be done very gently to avoid causing any harm to the child. It might behoove you and your partner to take a class in infant massage, to learn the different techniques and be sure you’re doing it properly, for maximum effectiveness.
Once you’ve got your technique, it’s important to establish a routine. Choose a specific time of day when you do it, such as just before bed. Turning it into a nightly routine for the whole family will not only aid in the bonding process, but also allow your child to associate that time with massage in their mind, helping them relax better and sleep even more soundly.
If you’d like to know more about the benefits infant massage can have for both you and your baby, feel free to contact me, and I’ll help you learn the massage routine that’s right for your baby!